1st Online Admission Conference to Jiangxi Undergraduate Student was Held
Time :2020-04-07


From 19:00 to 20:30 on April 17, our admission publicity team held the first live broadcast of undergraduate student admission in 2020 in Jiangxi province through the college entrance examination platform, attracting more than 300 students and their parents from Nanchang, Jiujiang, Fuzhou, Ganzhou, Xinyu and other places to watch and communicate online. Prof. Zhang Haiyan, a teacher from the recruitment promotion team, worked as the keynote speaker, other members of the recruitment team followed up the recruitment campaign and answer questions from students and parents in real time.


Based on her teaching experience in BNU, Prof. Zhang Haiyan introduced in detail the glorious history and comprehensive strength of BNU, explained its orientation, international cooperation projects, talent training, advantageous majors, awards, scholarships and employment, and also introduced the basic situation of our Zhuhai campus. After the lecture, the students and their parents had a warm response to the lecture, and more students joined the QQ group of enrollment. (group number: 522098718).


BNU has abundant high-quality resource platform, strong discipline and professional strength and effective talent training measures, which will be an excellent choice of outstanding students.



(written by undergraduate academic affairs)