The Project of Professor Cai Hongbo was Approved by the EU Horizon 2020 Project
Time :2020-09-04


Recently, the European Commission has released the results of its appraisal of Horizon 2020. The “Digital Turn in Europe: Strengthening Relational Reliance through Technology” project, which was initiated by Francesca Spigarelli, vice President of the University of Macerata in Italy and in which Professor Cai Hongbo was the Chinese partner-in-charge, passed the evaluation of the project with a score of 96.40.(Threshold: 70/100)


Currently, the project is led by the University of Macerata in Italy, and is participated by Beijing Normal University in China, the Marche Polytechnic University in Italy, the University of Leuven in Belgium, Carlos III University in Madrid in Spain, GROTTINI Laboratory and other five distinguished universities, as well as research institutions and well-known enterprises. The project will last for four years with a total cost of €998,000. The project, focusing on digital transformation in Europe, studies the role of trust in the development and application of digital technologies and the impact of digital transformation on the trust to environment from a multidisciplinary perspective.


As a tool for the implementation of “Building an innovative Society”, Horizon 2020, leading plan of the seven package plans in “EU 2020 Strategy” in the European Committee, was officially launched in 2014 and it mainly includes three strategic priority areas and four funding schemes, which aims to help researchers achieve new discoveries, breakthroughs and innovations, while facilitating the transfer of new technologies from the laboratory to the market.


Provided by the Research Office