BNUBS Held the Matriculation Ceremony of Class 2020 Freshmen
Time :2020-09-22


At 2:00 PM on September 11th, the matriculation ceremony of Class 2020 freshmen of BNUBS was held in Classroom 101, N0.2 Building. Participated in the meeting were Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUBS; Sun Zhijun, Chairperson of the Party Committee of BNUBS;Ge Yuliang, Deputy Chairperson of the Party Committee of BNUBS; Zhang Pingdan, Associate Dean of BNUBS; Cai Hongbo, Associate Dean of BNUBS; teacher’s representative Wu Qinhong, Jiang Jie; head teachers’ representatives Han Lili, Yu Jiajie, Cai Zijun, Chang Xinyang and Lan Rujia; Li Yingshu, Director of Postgraduate educational administration; Xu Xing, Director of undergraduate educational administration; Wang Jun, Chen Su, Party Committee of BNUBS; representative of undergraduate students in 2016; representative of graduate students in 2017 and all freshmen of class 2020. According to the requirements of epidemic prevention, there are two sub-venues, Classroom 108 and Room 312, No.2 Building. About 260 students and teachers attended the ceremony.


Sun Zhijun, Chairperson of the Party Committee of BNUBS, presided over the matriculation ceremony. The matriculation ceremony opened with the solemn national anthem.

Chairperson Sun Zhijun presided over the ceremony

Matriculation ceremony of Class 2020 freshmen of BNUBS


On behalf of the School, Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUBS, first welcomed the new  students of the class of 2020. He said that good entrepreneurs should grasp the “five principles”, “five exiles”, “five quotients”, and “five relationships”. “learn, so as to instruct others; act, to serve as example to all.” This was what BNU expect of us. Qi also said that China was experiencing great changes that have not been seen in a century, and the uncertainty was becoming more and more normal. He hoped that students, while learning knowledge, making friends and getting degrees, should learn how to grow into excellent entrepreneurs, so that they can make contribution to the world and promote business and culture in the future.

Dean Qi Yudong's speech


Ms. Jiang Jie made a speech as the representative of teachers. She said that the year 2020 was an extraordinary year. In the context of accelerating changes in the world and rapid technological development, how should we spend our university life in a better way? She shared three points with students: Firstly, shape the spirit of independence. She hoped that students can think independently, don’t follow others blindly, find the direction of their own life, and make unremitting efforts for it. Secondly, attach great importance to humanist. She hoped that students can cultivate humanistic care while pursuing scientific rationality, understand national conditions and people's conditions, and serve the motherland while exercising scientific rationality. Thirdly, establish sunshine mentality. Don't run away from problems, face the pressure, and keep a positive and sunny attitude. Finally, she hoped students can cherish their youth in university, seize the day and live up their youth.

Teacher’s representative Jiang Jie’s speech


Xi Meifen, President of the Undergraduate Student Union, gave a speech as the representative of senior students. She shared her experience and perception of her college life with freshmen from three aspects: “Be brave to try and break through yourself”, “Cherish the moment, learn self-discipline” and “Shoulder responsibility and keep the mission in mind”. In addition, she wished that the freshmen could gain the ability to think independently and critically during the four years of study, as well as the humanistic feelings of helping the world and the fighting spirit of daring to think and do.

Xi Meifen, President of the Undergraduate Student Union, spoke on behalf of senior students


Gong Lin, President of the Graduate Student Union, also shared her thoughts with the freshmen as a representative of senior students. She not only expressed the idea of sharing encouragement with the freshmen from the two points of “Living up to youth, forging ahead with determination” and “Advancing with double virtue and choosing good deeds”, but also encouraged freshmen to take “Learn, so as to instruct others; Act, to serve as example to all.” as the foundation of their lives, and “Helping the world and encouraging business and literature” as the mission, so as to live up to their youth and move forward with determination.

Gong Lin, President of the Graduate Student Union, spoke on behalf of senior students


Sun Tianyi, from the major of International Economics and Trade, spoke as the representative of freshman undergraduates. He expressed his admiration for the strong academic atmosphere and beautiful campus environment of BNU, and his expectation for the future study and life. In the end, he shared encouragement with all the freshmen: “May you and I stay hungry for knowledge in the next four years, be a fool, worthy of the ancestors of BNU, and not regret our youth.”

Sun Tianyi gave a speech as the representative of undergraduate freshmen


Representative of the new graduate students is Cui Sixuan from the Department of Accounting. She expressed her deep respect for the frontline workers, school leaders and teachers who have worked hard for the opening of the school, and explained the new meaning of “managing people in the capital” from four aspects, namely, cultural accomplishment, social responsibility, study and inheritance.

Cui Sixuan spoke as the representative of new graduate students


“The sound of Muduo is admired by the world, Learn, so as to instruct others; act, to serve as example to all. Teach calmly and the influence will be profound.”At about 4 PM, the matriculation ceremony of BNUBS was successfully concluded with the singing of the freshmen of class 2020.


Provided by Party Committee