BNUBS Held a Special Education Work Deployment Meeting for Teachers' Ethics
Time :2021-05-10

In order to implement the overall work requirements of Ministry of Education and the School Party committee on the development of teacher theory learning and teacher ethics education, and to guide to strive to be "Four Haves", carry forward the spirit of the school motto of "learning to be a teacher, acting as a model", and strengthen and improve the construction of teachers' ethics, on May 10th, BNUBS held a special education deployment meeting on teachers' ethics in the conference room 1722 of the rear main building. All party members, departmental directors, party branch secretaries attended the meeting.


Mr. Sun Zhijun first led the teachers to learn the spirit of the school's Notice on the Development of Teacher Theory Learning and Teacher Ethics Education in 2021 . On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the beginning of a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, it is of great importance to carry out teachers' theoretical study and further strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics in the year of the setting sail of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Teachers  should deeply study and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the important speech spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference, and a series of important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on education. We should conscientiously study and practice the documents and spirits of the superior departments on the construction of teachers and the construction of teachers' ethics and combine the discussion of school education and teaching with the discussion of scientific research work to improve the ability of curriculum education and scientific research education. On the basis of a full understanding of the university's "Double First-Class" reform and construction, the "14th Five-Year" planning, the "one body and two wings" education pattern and other major decisions and arrangements, we should find our own positioning, shoulder the mission, and help the university to enter a new stage of first-class university construction.


The meeting also learned the document of School Party Committee on the Treatment Measures on Teacher Ethics Violation, further clarified the main responsibility of School teacher ethics construction, notified the treatment methods of the violation behavior and studied the items in the list of violation behaviors.


The participants had a heated discussion about how to carry out this activity and how to further strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics. It is agreed that the teachers should improve the awareness of teacher ethics education, and actively participate in related activities carried out by the university and the School. We should do their job well, concentrate on teaching, study earnestly, carry out the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue, strive to be a good teacher of "Four Haves" in the new era, and make contributions to the development of various undertakings of the School to a new level.


At the end of the meeting, the next step of the work plan, learning form and other contents were discussed and deployed.



Provided by Sub-Party Committee