Faculty And Students of BNUBS Watched the Live Broadcast of the Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of The Communist Party of China
Time :2021-07-01

On July 1, 2021, teachers and students of BNUBS watched the live broadcast of the Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of The Communist Party of China in Conference Room 1722 of the rear main building. Members of the Party and government, Party committee members, Party branch secretaries of teachers and students, active applicants and representatives of teachers and students participated in this activity.



General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the celebration. On behalf of the Party and the people, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared that thanks to the sustained efforts of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China, we have achieved the first centenary goal and completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects on the land of China. China has solved the problem of absolute poverty in a historic way, and is moving energetically toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.


General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out that to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party of China (CPC) united and led the Chinese people in waging a bloody struggle and indomitable struggle to create the great achievements of the new democratic revolution. We have made great achievements in socialist revolution and construction through self-reliance and determination. Emancipating our minds and forging ahead with determination, we have made great achievements in reform, opening up and socialist modernization. We have made great achievements in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era by embracing great struggles, great projects, great causes, and great dreams. He stressed that the CPC's great founding spirit of upholding truth and ideals, carrying out its original aspiration, fulfilling its mission, fearlessly and bravely fighting, being loyal to the Party and not living up to the people, formed in the course of its long struggle, is the source of the CPC's spirit.


General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed that we need to mirror the present with history and look far into the future. We need to understand why we were successful in the past and how we can continue to be successful in the future from the centennial struggle of the CPC.


History is an guide, and to create the future, we must adhere to the strong leadership of the communist party of China, must unite to lead the Chinese people's struggle for a better life constantly, must continue to promote sinicization of marxism, must adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, must speed up the modernization of national defense and the army, must push build a community of human destiny. We must carry out great struggles with many new historical features, strengthen the great unity of the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, and constantly advance the great new project of Party building.


The teachers and students attending the meeting were deeply impressed and encouraged by President Xi's speech. In the new journey of the CPC leading the Chinese people towards the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in an all-round way, the BNUBS will adhere to the socialist orientation, deepen reform of the education and teaching systems, improve the quality of personnel training, guide students to take the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as their own responsibility, and encourage them to integrate their youth into the cause of the Party and the people. We will strengthen the students' ambition, backbone and confidence as Chinese people, to build a first-class school of economics and Management with cultural heritage and international influence, promote the construction of "double first-class" school, and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.



At the celebration of the centenary of the Founding of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared, on behalf of the Party and the people, that thanks to the sustained efforts of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China, we have achieved the first centenary goal, completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects on the land of China, and eliminated absolute poverty in historic steps.We are moving energetically toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. Such historic achievements are inseparable from the CPC's great founding spirit formed over the past century. Over the past 100 years, the CPC has developed a great spirit of upholding truth and ideals, fulfilling its founding aspiration, fulfilling its mission, fearlessly fearing sacrifice, fighting bravely, being loyal to the Party and not living up to the people. As a grassroots party member cadre, in daily work, we should always take the great spirit of party building as the source of spirit, keep in mind the spirit of party building and practice the spirit of party building. We will always put the interests of teachers, students and staff in the first place, devoting ourselves to the development of the college, the construction of disciplines, the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents, the promotion of first-class universities and first-class disciplines, and the realization of the second Centenary goal to make their own contributions.

——Party Secretary Sun Zhijun


At the celebration of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping made the best summary of his century-long experience of suffering and glory, made an important explanation of the new historical mission of the CPC leading the Chinese people, and issued a new call from a comprehensive view of history. In the past 100 years, the CPC has stayed true to its original aspiration, led the Chinese people to prosperity and achieved the first centenary goal. The best way to commemorate and celebrate history is for us to keep making new history, to continue to make arduous efforts to build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, and to realize the Chinese dream of great national renewal. As a Communist, we should respond to the party's call to look at the past with a complete view of history, look far into the future, and see clearly why we have succeeded in the past and how we can succeed in the future. We should sum up experience, continue to work hard, forge ahead, to build a better home, to promote the greatest happiness of the people and make their own contribution.

——Secretary of the Economic Party Branch of the Faculty


Today, I am honored to watch the celebration of the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China together with teachers and students of BNUBS and witnessed the centennial feast of the Communist Party of China. After one centenary, the Party is in its prime. Looking back, the CPC has successfully achieved its first centenary goal: building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in China; Looking ahead, the Communist Party of China is moving energetically toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. Standing at the meeting point of the two centenary goals, as a young Chinese in the new era, I will conscientiously study General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech, live up to the times, live up to the youth, live up to the ardent expectations of the Party and the people, to take the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as my own responsibility, enhance the ambition, backbone, and confidence of being a Chinese!

——Yang Xiaoming, 2020 postgraduate student and active member of the Fifth Party Branch of Finance


Today, I watched the live broadcast of the celebration for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China, enduring a century, has led the people in completing one great task after another, overcoming difficulties and making a great leap forward toward socialism. They have laid the institutional foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the CPC and the Chinese people have not only destroyed an old world, but also built a new one. Only the CPC can save China.

——Song Zhihong, 2020 postgraduate and active member of the Fourth Party Branch of Finance


Since 1840, the Chinese nation had suffered too much, and the humiliation at the Paris Peace Conference ignited people's anger. Once ignited, the fire of ideals and beliefs will never be extinguished. The October Revolution brought Marxism to the Chinese nation, and the Communist Party of China emerged at the historic moment. From then on, China had a political party that could truly lead the Chinese people. The people are the country and the country is the people. The people are the foundation, the blood, and the strength of the CPC. The centennial journey has fully proved that only the CPC can save China and only the CPC can develop China. The Party has made great achievements in its first century of development, from people struggling to meet basic needs to China's second largest GDP in the world. History flows on and the spirit is passed on from generation to generation.During the Party's second centenary journey, we must continue to carry forward our glorious traditions, carry forward the red blood line, carry on and carry forward the great party founding spirit forever, and contribute to the realization of the second centenary goal of building the Party into a great modern socialist country in all respects.

——Li Yanshu, 2019 postgraduate student and probant party member of the Third Party Branch of Accounting


The century-old party is in its prime. Today is the Founding Day of the Communist Party of China, also the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. After the rain in the morning campus, the air is fresh, vigorous, students are holding the party flag, watching the flag-raising ceremony everywhere. The conference to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China began at 8 o 'clock on the dot. Gun saluted, national anthem was played, guns rumbled, red flag hunting, this all paid tribute to the party's hundred years of glory.

Over the past 100 years of CPC governance, the Chinese people have risen to the forefront of The Times with higher aspirations and stronger confidence. Then, Wan Exiang, representatives of democratic parties, industrial and commercial alliances and non-party people delivered a speech, which expressed the recognition of the communist Party of China leadership achievements from all walks of life. The great Communist Party of China (CPC) led the people of all ethnic groups in China to struggle arduously at a time when China was destitute. In the past, at present and in the future, we will closely unite around the CPC and sincerely wish the great motherland prosperity.

"Childlike innocence to the Party, Strive for the future", young people are the future successors of the Party and the motherland.  Representatives of Communist Youth League members and young Pioneers delivered a speech. The Loud and clear children's voice, which praised the great Chinese Communist Party just like the rising sun. It dispels darkness, brings light. The orderly and powerful response showed the responsibility of the young people, indicating the bright future of the party and the country.

Amid prolonged applause, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He solemnly declared to the world that the Chinese people are not only good at destroying the old world, but also good at building a new one, that only socialism can save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China. The Chinese people are confident and strong, they undertook great projects, built great undertakings, and fulfilled great dreams. After the baptism of the war years, the difficult exploration of the reform road, we have entered a new era of Socialism with Chinese characteristics since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). We would advance the five-sphere integrated plan in a coordinated way, govern the Party in accordance with rules, and overcome a number of major risks and challenges. The second Centenary Goal has been included in our strategic agenda. While deeply remembering the revolutionary pioneers and pioneers, we also should realize that it was necessary to build our own ability. To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and build a modern socialist society with Chinese characteristics, we must advance the Party's great project for the new era, focus on building high-quality Party members, always rally around the people, and remain true to our founding mission.

In the end, the solemn Internationale marked the successful conclusion of the celebration of the centenary Congress of the Founding of the Party. Accompanied by light rain, the TV screen in the audience put on raincoats, but still carried a bright smile. Just like the great party, even in the face of wind and rain, we are also fearless, full of hope for the clear sky. Best wishes for the great party's centennial birthday!

-- Feng Yakun, 2019 undergraduate and probationary Member of the First Party Branch of International Trade


The year 2021 marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). More than 100 years ago, the CPC led the Chinese people in bloody battles and unswervingly fought. Through the Northern Expedition, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, we used armed revolution opposed armed counter-revolution and overthrew the three mountains and achieved national independence and liberation. The Communist Party of China thought that it had sacrificed much ambition and dared to call the sun and the moon to change the sky with fearless spirit to write the most brilliant historical epic in the history of the Chinese nation. A 100-gun salute heralded a new era of China in a more majestic posture in the east of the new world. The CPC and the Chinese people have declared to the world with their heroic and tenacious struggles that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical journey.

"I was born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze. If the people have faith, the country would have strength, and the nation would have hope. I will always love the country and be loyal to the party!”

-- Hu Zhonghui, 2019 postgraduate student and probationary Member of the First Party Branch of Accounting


As an activist, It is my great honor to watch the conference with leaders, teachers and fellow Party members. First, today's event is a summary of the past. One hundred years ago, the pioneers of the Communist Party of China (CPC) founded the COMMUNIST Party of China (CPC) and formed the great spirit of its founding. Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has forged ahead and led the people on a road of prosperity and strength. We can look back with pride on this tortuous and arduous road. Secondly, I was moved by the close unity between the Party and the people.At this congress, the camera repeatedly switched between General Secretary Xi Jinping and people from all walks of life, which reminded me that the fundamental purpose of the Party is to serve the people wholeheartedly. Finally, as an active member, I became more determined to move closer to the Party organization.

Finally, I would like to conclude with the words of General Secretary Xi Jinping: Long live the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China! Long live the great, glorious and heroic Chinese people!

-- Zhan Junyan, postgraduate student of 2019 and active member of the First Party Branch of International Trade


Today marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Today is a shocking day for the Chinese people. Today, in front of Tian 'anmen Square, it is not only a day to celebrate our great victory, but also a day to sound the horn of a new journey. Our centennial journey has been magnificent, and our original aspiration has become stronger with the passing of time.In order to make China's future more brilliant, each of us should be down-to-earth, be a brave dreamer, be a dreamer forever.

We have endured trials and hardships over the one hundred years. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the great Chinese people have created a brand new China through arduous and indomitable struggle. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee headed by Xi Jinping, we have forged ahead together and made remarkable achievements that have caught the world's attention.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has said that all the CPC does is to seek happiness for the Chinese people, rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and peace and development for mankind. This demonstrates the commitment and responsibility of a major country.

As the youth of the new era, I will certainly support the leadership of the Party, throw myself into the great socialist construction, never stop pursing progress, always on the road, and fight for the realization of communism.

-- Qin Wuwei, postgraduate student of 2019 and probationary Member of the Fourth Party Branch of Economics


Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese people have worked together to achieve the first centenary Goal, complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, eliminate absolute poverty, and advance towards the Second Centenary Goal. Since its birth, the Communist Party of China has changed the destiny of China, made great contributions to world peace and development, and led the people to stand up, become rich and strong. The leadership of the Party is the foundation and lifeblood of the country. As a probationary Party member, I should learn and inherit the great spirit of the Founding of the Party, love the motherland, love the CPC, stay true to the original aspiration, keep the mission firmly in mind, serve the people, love my post and work hard, and become a vanguard force in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

-- Yang Jingyun, postgraduate student of 2019 and probationary Member of the Fifth Party Branch of Finance


The centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was both exciting and solemn, with guns saluting in Tian 'anmen Square, national flag escorts marching sonorously, General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech stirring, and the Communist Youth League representatives energetically marching forward. We would learn from the history and create a new future. When we were poor and white, generation after generation of revolutionary ancestors sacrificed their life to practice the original aspiration, with a spark of fire, they ushered in the age of fluttering of the five-star red flag. I would listen to the party, go with the party, strive to be a new era of new youth. Only with gratitude and efforts can I show my heart of worship and love for the party!

-- Wei Yunfei, 2019 postgraduate student and active member of the Second Party Branch of International Trade


General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at a grand gathering which celebrates the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held at Tian 'anmen Square in Beijing on July 1. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping reviewed the glorious course of the centenary endeavor, solemnly declared that the first centenary goal has been achieved and a moderately prosperous society has been built in all respects on the land of China. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the close unity of the people of all ethnic groups in China, the goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will surely be realized.

In General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech, what impressed me most was his message to young people. General Secretary Xi Jinping has asked young Chinese in the new era to "take realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as their own responsibility, strengthen the ambition, backbone and confidence of being Chinese, and live up to the ardent hopes of the Party and the people." As Chinese youth, we are so lucky to be born in this great era, stand at the historical intersection of "two centenary" and live in the best period of the development of the Chinese nation. we are facing not only the rare life opportunities of meritorious service, but also faced with the mission of the times that " great responsibility fall upon us ". Against such a backdrop, we need to set lofty ideals, integrate our ego into the larger ego of the motherland and the larger ego of the people, and move in step with the times and share a common destiny with the people. We must have the courage to struggle, not be afraid to face all difficulties and obstacles and forge ahead in the cleaving waves. We should develop strong skills, cherish youth, live up to youth, study hard and improve quality. More importantly, we need to strengthen our moral character and cultivate our moral integrity. We need to learn from the great Party founding spirit of "upholding truth and ideals, fulfilling our founding aspiration, assuming our mission, fighting fearlessly, being loyal to the Party, and not living up to the people." We need to pursue a higher and more fulfilling life.

-- Liu Peixin, postgraduate student of 2019 and active member of the Second Party Branch of International Trade