The School Held a Work Meeting for The New Semester
Time :2021-09-17

On the morning of September 7th, BNUBS held a new semester work meeting in conference Room 1610 of the rear main building. At the meeting, the relevant spirit of 2021 summer cadre meeting of the university was conveyed, and the situation and tasks facing the development of the school, as well as challenges and opportunities, and related work of the new semester were discussed and arranged. Members of the party and government leading group, department heads, party branch secretaries attended the meeting.


Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of the School, first conveyed the relevant spirit of the school's summer cadre meeting. At the meeting, Cheng Jianping, Secretary of the University Party Committee, conveyed the spirit of the 27th National Conference on Party Building in Colleges and Universities, the 10th Conference of the Financial and Economic Commission of the CPC Central Committee, Opinions on Further Reducing students' Homework Burden and Off-campus Training Burden in Compulsory Education and other superior meetings and documents. He also pointed out that,in the new semester, the school officials and teachers should continue to earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the congress celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and further promote the party history study and education arrangements. We also should do our best to ensure that the central government conducts inspection and rectification work was carried out successfully, and strengthen the ranks of cadres and talents, strengthen party building at the community level, as well as continue to carry out regular epidemic prevention and control. President Dong Qi made arrangements for the school's "14th Five-year Plan", a new round of "double First-class" construction, in-depth implementation of the results of the discussion on education and teaching, improving the cultivation system of top-notch innovative talents, comprehensively enhancing the ability of independent innovation, promoting the "one Body, two wings", optimizing the allocation of resources and other important work in this academic year. He also made a thorough analysis of the development plan, construction progress, existing problems and challenges of all kinds of work, and expounded the thoughts of further deepening the comprehensive reform of the school.Tu Qingyun, vice president, made a general report on the progress and results of the discussion on education and teaching from the aspects of process review, main achievements and teaching management.


Dean Qi Yudong combined with the spirit of summer work and the development plan of the school, proposed the development goals that fit the actual situation of the school. It aimed at building the advantages and characteristics in the discipline, optimizing the layout and exploiting the strengths to complement the weaknesses. He also proposed to ensure quality in teaching and make detailed plans on  recruitment and employment. Besides, he encouraged high-end publications in scientific research, and the combined development of monographs, subjects, think tanks, awards and other aspects. He proposed to introduce more talented teachers, train our own staff and build an excellent teaching and scientific research team. In terms of student work, he advised us to do a good job in educating students and help them get a better platform for growth and development. Dean Qi Yudong hoped that we would uphold the spirit of pursuing excellence, put forward work ideas and key plans combined with their own work, especially actively explore and refine the ideological guiding ideology in education and teaching reform.



Participants held heated discussions and put forward constructive opinions and suggestions on discipline construction and development, creating new discipline growth points, teaching and research team construction, talent team construction and talent introduction mechanism optimization, the development of young teachers, policy consultation and think tank construction, collaborative development of the two campuses, talent training, curriculum management and other related aspects.



Wrote by Xu Zicao

Edited by Han Lili

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun