"CMA Scholarship Award Ceremony & Management Accounting Lecture Series" with IMA was Successfully Held
Time :2021-06-29

On June 29th, 2021, the Accounting Department of BNUBS and IMA jointly held the CMA Scholarship Award Ceremony and Management Accounting Lecture Series at Beijing Normal University. This activity is one of the primary school activities of the Accounting Department in spring 2021. It aims to let students who are preparing for the management accounting industry know the basic qualities and skills of becoming an excellent management talent, cultivate professional thinking and connect theory and practice through sharing by CMA guests. Wu Qinhong, Dean of Accounting department, BNUBS; Wang Qian, IMA North China Cooperative Development Manager and Chen Xin, CMA representative, a graduate of BNUBS and former Chief Financial Officer of an education group, came to the scene as special guests and gave wonderful speeches. Zhou Liang, Director of IMA North China Cooperative Development, attended the event, and Li Yuxiao, Associate Professor of Accounting, BNUBS, hosted the event.



Professor Wu Qinhong, Dean of Accounting Department, BNUBS, delivered a speech first. She congratulated the event and extended a warm welcome to all the IMA guests. Professor Wu introduced the cooperation between BNUBS and IMA over the years, and thanked IMA for its support and help in management accounting teaching, research and practice in the past ten years.



Then, Ms. Wang Qian, IMA North China Cooperative Development Manager, gave a speech. She first thanked the leaders and teachers of BNUBS for their support of this activity, and also thanked Ms. Chen Xin who was going to share with the students. Ms. Wang Qian said that this lecture focuses on the changes and development of management accounting application in today's practical field, and by combining with management accounting talent training and employment related information, it would provide students with a close understanding of enterprise management accounting practice and career development direction guidance. Finally, she congratulated the students of BNUBS who won the CMA scholarship in 2020, and wished them good results in the future CMA exam.



In the awarding ceremony, Wu Qinhong,  Dean of the Accounting Department of BNUBS, and Wang Qian, IMA North China Cooperative Development Manager, presented certificates and souvenirs to the students who won the 2020 CMA Scholarship!



Then, Ms. Chen Xin, CMA representative and former chief financial officer of an education group, gave a lecture entitled "Current Situation of Management Accounting Practice Application and Development Direction of Talent Cultivation". Ms. Chen used her years of experience in front-line financial management to analyze a number of hot topics for the students, including the construction of financial sharing, the construction of financial information, the choice and application of RPA. Then she explained the positions and responsibilities of management accounting and the ability requirements of management accounting in detail based on her personal career development experience. Finally, Ms. Chen Xin raised expectations for the students. She hoped that students can gradually become "leaders" in their future career from "followers", and can truly master, understand and use the knowledge they have learned, so as to remain invincible in the business environment where opportunities and challenges coexist.



After the wonderful sharing by Ms. Chen Xin, Triangle team, awarded the second prize of the 10th IMA Campus Management Accounting Case Contest in North China Division, from Beijing Normal University showed and shared the contest for the teachers and students present. Their steady and confident speech and fluent English made all the participants once again feel the elegance of the participants in the high-level IMA Campus Management accounting Case Competition, and also demonstrated the solid professional foundation and good quality of the students from BNUBS.




Finally, Li Yuxiao, a teacher from BNUBS accepted the gift book from IMA on behalf of Beijing Normal University. Ms. Li then introduced the basic information of IMA Book Corner, and encouraged students to actively use these resources to deepen their understanding and application of management accounting cutting-edge research. This time, IMA will present management accounting related materials to BNUBS,including management accounting bulletin, CMA English and Chinese textbooks, management accounting dictionary, IMA latest research report, etc.



IMA Management Accounting Lecture Series is one of the brand activities created by BNUBS and IMA after becoming strategic partners in December 2020. It is also an important event that IMA continues to carry out among its university partners.  We hope that more students can successfully cope with the challenges of the digital economy era through the learning and application of management accounting in the future, and ride the wind and waves in the workplace where opportunities and challenges coexist!


Provided by Accounting Department