Aim High And Work Hard | BNUBS Held the Opening Ceremony for the Class of 2021
Time :2021-09-07

On the morning of September 7th, 2021, the opening ceremony of 2021 undergraduates, academic master and doctoral students was held in the Student Activity Center of Beijing Normal University. People who attended the opening ceremony were all the party and government leaders, department heads, teachers' representatives and heads of relevant functional departments, as well as head teachers of Class 2021, all undergraduates, academic master and doctoral freshmen in Beijing Campus. Freshmen who take Accounting as their second major of Zhuhai Campus attended the opening ceremony online. The ceremony was presided over by Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of BNUBS.


The ceremony began with the grand national anthem.


Figure 1. Party Secretary Sun Zhijun presided over the meeting


Qi Yudong, Dean of BNUBS, on behalf of all the teachers and students of the college, expressed his sincere congratulations and warm welcome to all the new students. Qi Yudong shared his understanding of academic planning. He talked about Confucius’s philosophy of “studying deep into the root of matter, digging into the heart of fact to find the correct answer and knowledge, being sincere and maintaining a true heart, developing our own self, keeping the family in a harmonious environment, ruling the country peacefully and ruling the whole world in a peaceful manner with good ruling policies”. After that, he also elaborated on the Party's educational policy of all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor and asked students to make thorough plan and rise abruptly based on its accumulated strength. He emphasized professional development and mental model, and proposed "five quotients" and "five relations". The "five quotients" were respectively intelligence quotient, emotional quotient, financial quotient, inverse quotient and health quotient. The "five relations" were respectively blood relationship, academic relationship, geographical relationship, industry relationship and god relationship. He also encouraged students to become a successful person with five quotients and five relationships. He asked the students to pay attention to the three classes, adhere to the "six learning", along the path of inheritance, criticism and innovation, and better practice the university motto of "Learn to be a teacher and act as an example of the world" and the school motto of "Benefiting the world by stimulating economy, promoting literature in practicing business ".


Figure 2. Dean Qi Yudong made a speech


Cao Siwei, a teacher of the Department of Economics, spoke as teacher representatives. He said that in today's era, China was on the road of great national rejuvenation. While making major achievements, China still faced unprecedented challenges. The students  here would eventually become a new force to meet challenges and overcome difficulties. At present, students should keep their feet on the ground and adapt to the new environment of college life as soon as possible. He encouraged the students to be strong people, to learn to face loneliness when facing unexpected hardships and challenges, and to see their goals clearly in patience. He encouraged students to be ordinary people, to define themselves as ordinary people in mentality, have the courage to bear failure and believe that God helps those who help themselves. He also encouraged the students to be generous people, to have the courage to appreciate the wonderful of others, be strict with yourself and be generous to others, form a win-win relationship of cooperation, and finally be loyal to the motherland, establish large ambitions, learn the truth, and do practical work!


Figure 3. Teachers’ representative Cao Siwei made a speech


In her speech, Zhang Kexin, a 2019 undergraduate majoring in Business Administration, quoted the concept of "investment" in economics and suggested that students invest in their brains, bodies and minds during the four years of college, encouraging them to explore the vastness of the new world and create their own possibilities. Yang Jifeng, a doctoral student majoring in Business Management of the class of 2020, talked about her ideal manager of Beijing Normal University, who should be an explorer and a doer with ideal. She encouraged students to stick to the scientific spirit, keep their feet on the ground, gain inspiration and explore true knowledge through long-term continuous research.


In the freshman representative speech, Chen Jianyi, a 2021 undergraduate majoring in Economics, raised expectations for himself and his classmates. He hoped that all the students could become diligent, ambitious and useful to the country, aiming at building the motherland and working hard to live up to their youth. Feng Zhiying, a postgraduate student of the class of 2021, pointed out that there is no comparison for being right and no end for being excellent. In the road to pursue advance and sophistication, we ourselves were also looking for our own advantages, and constantly cultivating unique core competitiveness.


Figure 4. Zhang Kexin, a 2019 undergraduate majoring in Business Administration, made a speech


Figure 5. Yang Jifeng, a doctoral student majoring in Business Management of the class of 2020, made a speech


Figure 6. Chen Jianyi, a 2021 undergraduate majoring in Economics, made a speech


Figure 7. Feng Zhiying, a postgraduate student of the class of 2021, made a speech


The opening ceremony ended with the solemn song of our university. We hope all the new students of class 2021 will have an ideal mind, aim high, study hard, make progress actively, and write a beautiful chapter of university life!



Provided by News Center, Student Union of BNUBS

Edited by Wang Jun

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun