Our Teachers are Approved to Establish Programs of the Second Batch of Industry-University Cooperative Education Project in 2021 by the Ministry of Education
Time :2021-12-24



Recently, the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education announced the list of 2021 second batch of industry-University cooperative education projects, and the projects led by two teachers of our school were approved. The specific project information is as follows:


Project Leader

Project Type

Project Name

Company Name

Sun Yunchuan

New engineering, new medical, new agricultural, new liberal arts construction

Privacy Protection Computing for Open Sharing of Financial Data

Ant Zhixin (Hangzhou) Information Technology Co., LTD

Li Kun

Reform of teaching content and curriculum system

The Frontier Curriculum Construction of Financial Marketing

Shenzhen Xishi Data Technology Co., LTD



To thoroughly implement the spirit of the sixth plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the central Talent Work Conference, implement the requirements of the Suggestions of The General Office of the State Council on Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education and the Suggestions of the Chinese Academy of Engineering of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Education on Accelerating the Construction and Development of New Engineering and Implementing the Education and Training Program for Outstanding Engineers 2.0, give full play to the initiative of universities and enterprises and realize the deep integration of enterprises, universities and research institutes, the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education has organized relevant enterprises and universities to carry out industry-university cooperative education programs.


Provided by Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office

Edited by Xu Xing

Reviewed by Zhang Pingdan