Labor Union of BNUBS was awarded "Advanced Labor Union" in 2021
Time :2022-01-11




On January 11, the Labor Union of BNU held the 2021 annual department labor union work summary and evaluation meeting.More than 30 members, including the standing committee and members of the university’s trade union and the chairman and members of the departments’Labor union, attended the appraisal meeting. After debriefing and scoring evaluation, our labor union was awarded the title of "Advanced Labor Union".




The labor union of BNUBS has always been adhering to the organizational concept of "people-oriented, harmonious development", relying on the centennial cultural heritage of The University and the steady and realistic School principle.In 2021, we advance with The Times, adhere to the principle of love and unity, follow the requirements of The Times, work to provide good service, good teachers’ and students’ satisfaction and earn trust from leaders to create a warm and harmonious, home-based work organization which is also advancing with The Times. Under the leadership of the School Party Committee, the labor union has further improved the governance system and structure, and continuously strengthened the construction of activist team, which has formed a part-time cadre team that serves enthusiastically for teaching and administrative staff, as well as rich personnel team that includes backbone of culture and sports.




1. Increase political awareness. We should consciously accept the leadership of the Party and strengthen ideological and political guidance


We have strengthened our political awareness. The labor union of BNUBS takes the study, publicity and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as its primary political task, and achieves comprehensive systematic learning and practical learning.In addition, the union deeply follows the instruction spirit of BNU and the School, strives to achieve the goal of "double first-class university" . We also put into practice what we have learned and through study and education, trade union officials and workers should strengthen their awareness of the "Four Consciousnesses", strengthen their confidence in the "Four-Sphere Confidence ", and safeguard the "Two Upholds ", so as to maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in terms of ideology, politics, and actions. In order to further implement the spirit of the important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, the Labor Union took an active part in epidemic prevention and control work this year, seeking qualified and compliant ways to purchase anti-epidemic materials such as masks, alcohol spray wipes and hand sanitizer to guarantee the safety of faculty and staff.  


We have strengthened Party building in an all-round way. Under the leadership of political construction, the labor union of the School carries out solid study and education of party history. We strictly observed political discipline and rules, improved the system of requesting instructions from party committees at the same level and trade unions at higher levels, and paid more attention to the work of trade unions, studying and solving many major problems in the work of trade unions.We have strictly implemented the CPC Central Committee's Eight-point decision, strengthen budgetary management of labor union funds, and establish and improve a working mechanism for connecting with and serving the community level. We have strengthened the construction of harmonious party-mass relationship and harmonious teacher-student relationship, and strive to do good things and practical things for employees, so as to improve the benign interaction between individual interests and collective interests of organization members. Following the collective concept that all the staff of BNUBS share the development dividend, the School has made outstanding achievements in the cohesion of people, building a harmonious teacher-student relationship and other aspects, and has become the effective adviser of the school's party and government leadership in the aspects of development planning, talent introduction, bonus and welfare.   


We have strengthened ideological and political guidance. This year, the School's Labor Union carried out special education activities on teachers' ethics. On Teachers' Day, it planned and organized a series of "Teachers' ethics Role models" by inviting senior professors such as Wang Shanmai, Shen Yue, Li Chong and Zhao Chunming to tell their stories about learning and teaching, playing an exemplary role in leading the growth of young teachers and students.We also carried out the "Glory of Labor" propaganda and education activities, held flower arrangement experience activities, invited the Chinese Flower Arrangement Art Museum florist to conduct on-site teaching, led the staff to feel the joy of hands-on and artistic charm, cultivate their body and mind in the fragrance of flowers. We pay attention to the cultural construction of staff guided by ideas, and hold the 10th staff photo exhibition and other cultural activities, with more than half of the faculty participating in, actively guiding staff to practice socialist core values.   




Moral model" series




Flower arrangement activities





"Exploration. Fun", the 10th Faculty Photography Exhibition


2. Centering on enhancing advancement, serving the overall development of the college, leading the staff to make achievements


We will work as the main force in the construction of "first-class School of Economics and Management".School labor union has always attached great importance to the promotion of full-time teachers and administrative teachers. This year, we invited professor Zhao Chunming, director of BNU's Teaching Steering Committee, Professor Cai Hongbo, Associate Dean of the School, Professor Lu Yuexiang, Chairman of the Labor Union, Professor Yang Chengyu, judge of BNU's youth education competition, and Associate Professor Li Kun, winner of the previous youth education competition and professor of Finance, to guide young teachers in their lessons.Associate Professor Fang Fang won the third prize of group A of liberal arts in the 12th Youth Education Competition of Beijing Colleges and universities, and the best teaching plan award at the same time. From May to June, the Labor Union and the School Office organized a series of training for the improvement of administrative management skills, including the practice of news publicity, practical skills of office software, document writing and frequently asked questions, work pressure and emotion management, etc, which has improved the professional ability and executive ability of administrative teachers and the development of the School.   



Associate professor Fang Fang won the third prize of group A of liberal arts in the 12th Youth Education Competition of Beijing Universities





Skills training for administrative teacher


Our teachers and students have made great achievements hand in hand. This year, the School's labor union adhered to the strategy of strengthening the School with talents and serving the development of teachers and students and has received many good news. Two cases of the School were selected as "National Top 100 Cases". The teachers have been awarded the National Curriculum Ideological and Political Teaching Master, National Curriculum Ideological and Political Normal Course, "Young Top-notch Talents under the" Ten Thousand Project", "The Sixth National Award for Outstanding Achievements in Education and Science","Beijing Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Sciences", "Famous Teacher of Higher Education in Beijing", "Yang Jiwan Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Monograph on Accounting", "Ministry of Education Curriculum Ideological and Political Demonstration Course Construction Project", "Guangdong Education Department first Batch of Undergraduate Curriculum Ideological and Political Outstanding cases" and other honors. The students won the "Sun Cup" football championship, The first prize of MBA/ Postgraduate group in the final of the 13th "Jianfeng Moment" National Simulation Competition, First prize of "China Finance Cup" 2021 Future International Business Negotiation Elite National Competition and other prizes.


3. Enhancing the popularity among the people, continuing to focus on workers and ensuring that labor union have primary responsibilities and accountabilities


We will make union services suitable to workers. After careful construction in recent years, the labor union of BNUBS has made remarkable achievements in organizational culture, and has played a certain role of fighting fortress and positive effect on the level of organizational development. The staff's satisfaction and sense of belonging to the School organization have been constantly enhanced, and the image of the organization has been constantly enhanced in teaching, scientific research and discipline development, and the cohesion has been improved. We have also held seminars for new teachers, condolence for retired teachers, school recruitment publicity, farewell party for retired teachers and other activities. These series of activities have enriched teachers' offline life, contributed to the development of the college, and enhanced the cultural construction and cohesion of the School.

图片包含 人, 室内, 男人, 人们



School and union leaders visit retired teachers




The party and government leaders of the School held a discussion for new teachers





Zhang Haiyan’s speeches of enrolling students


Activities of the labor union are more colorful.Despite the epidemic, teachers of the School still maintain a positive and optimistic mental outlook and a rigorous and practical working state.In order to enrich the cultural life of the faculty, the School labor union organized many activities.In order to promote the communication between teachers and students, and encourage everyone to get off the Internet, out of the dormitory, to the playground, the union held a friendly competition of basketball and badminton between teachers and students in November. Sun Zhijun, Party Secretary of BNUBS, Cai Hongbo, Associate Dean of BNUBS, Jiao Hao, Han Lili, members of the working committee, He Haoran, Xu Minbo, Xu Zhixing, Cao Siwei and other teacher representatives, more than 20 graduate and undergraduate student representatives attended the basketball match. The labor union of BNUBS and the labor union of the School of Economic and Resource Management jointly organized "Friendly Chess and Card Games" and "Friendly Table Tennis Games" to enhance the communication between the two departments and enrich the cultural activities of teachers. The Union gathers dance lovers of three generations of female faculty and staff, and sets regular rehearsal time at noon on Friday. It is committed to guiding and creating healthy and beautiful fashion at the faculty level. Sun Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Cai Hongbo, Associate Dean of the School attended the farewell party for retired administrative teachers where teachers gathered together to express their friendship.    








图片包含 运动, 体育, 室内, 女人



Basketball and badminton games for teachers and students





Chess and card competition between BNUBS and School of Economic and Resource Management





Two friendly matches of table tennis between BNUBS and School of Economic and Resource Management


图片包含 室内, 人, 桌子, 小孩



"Jinghua Style Labor Union Dance"




Farewell party for retired teachers


The union space is more welcoming and orderly. The 1623 Activity room of the Labor Union in the rear main building has always been a small home for labor union activities. It is equipped with table tennis table and sports facilities, lounge chairs for lunch break, sofa, cultural wall for photo exhibition, etc., and a "small and micro library" for party members.It is open to teachers and students during working hours from Monday to Friday, and is available for recreation after 4:00 PM. In the future, we will continue to build the union home into "a home of learning, a home of development, a home of everyone, a home of warmth and a home of health", and constantly create new methods and new levels.





The Union Home


We actively participated in the Labor Union activities. Dean Qi Yudong attended the opening ceremony of the games. Ge Yuliang, deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, led the school's phalanx performance. In the staff sports event, Mr He Haoran won the second place in the men's 1200m race. Teacher Li Tingting won the third place in the fun project of "Crossing the River by Feeling the stones". Teacher Sun Yue won the seventh place in Quadrant Jump. More than 20 faculty and staff of the School participated in the Orson Healthy Long walk activity held by the school labor union, which played a positive role in promoting the building of "physical and mental health" faculty and staff. In addition, we also actively implement the university's labor union notices and arrangements, provide annual serious illness insurance, female workers insurance and park annual card and other benefits. 




Participating in the 2021 Sports Games



Participating in the Healthy Long Walk Activity


"In the future, we should make labor union activities which benefit the health of the body and mind more extensive, more sustainable, more solid and more effective." This is the common aspiration of all the cadres of the labor union of BNUBS. The Labor Union of the School will continue to be committed to building an organizational cultural atmosphere of being faithful to good deeds, positive progress, warmth and harmony, and balanced development. We will contribute to the development of the School and continue to "warm people's hearts, gather strength, and build a dream future". 


Provided by School Labor Union

Edited by Han Lili

Reviewed by Sun Zhijun