BNUBS Held a Seminar on the Revision of the Training Program for Graduates and Doctoral Students
Time :2022-07-10




On July 8, 2022, BNUBS held a seminar on the revision of the undergraduate, master and doctoral talent training program, and focused on the revision of the undergraduate talent training program in Economics. Members of the Party-government Association of the School, members of the School Academic Committee, members of the School Teaching Steering Committee and relevant teachers attended the meeting.

The Dean, Professor Qi Yudong, emphasized that the revision of the training program should reflect the overall requirements of the construction of new liberal arts, reflect the professional characteristics, professional integration, focus on improving the quality of courses, and further explore a new training mode. Professor Sun Zhijun, Secretary of the Party Committee, summarized the revision work of the current training program of the School.

Associate Dean Zhang Pingdan introduced the revision of the program. Yang Juan, Director of the Department of Economics, and Xu Minbo, Associate Director of the Department of Economics introduced the revision progress of the undergraduate talents training program of economics. Before that, the School also organized and held more than 10 special seminars.

Seminar on the revision of training program of BNUBS

Name of the meeting


Training program revision hearing meeting

June 7, 2022

Summary and discussion of the investigation of the training program

June 8, 2022

Credit Structure and Curriculum System Discussion Conference

June 8, 2022

School Platform Course Seminar

June 8, 2022


June 9, 2022

Symposium on the Revision of AcademicPostgraduate Programmes 1

June 13, 2022

Methodological curriculum construction Research Committee

June 17, 2022

Symposium on the Revision of Academic Postgraduate Programmes2

June 21, 2022

Seminar on Basic Theory courses

June 22, 2022

Seminar on the Revision of Academic Postgraduate Training Program in Economics

July5, 2022

Seminar on the Revision of Academic Graduate Training Program in Business Administration

July 7, 2022



Provided by Undergraduate Academic Affairs Office

Edited by Yang Haijia

Reviewed by Zhang Pingdan