The University-level Outstanding Graduation Thesis of BNUBS Was Awarded "2022 Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Thesis of Beijing Universities"
Time :2022-12-08

The university-level outstanding graduation thesis of BNUBS was awarded "2022 Excellent Undergraduate Graduation Thesis of Beijing Universities".

In order to further strengthen undergraduate education and teaching and improve the quality of graduation projects (theses), Beijing Municipal Commission of Education has organized the evaluation of graduation projects (theses) for undergraduates in Beijing in 2022.


A total of 6 school-level excellent graduation theses of 2022 in our School participated in the application. The graduation thesis Delayed Retirement, Labor Supply and Pension written by Hao Chenyu, a student majoring in economics in 2018 under the guidance of Teacher Liu Pan of our college, was awarded as "Excellent Undergraduate graduation Thesis of Beijing Universities in 2022" through the selection of school experts and Beijing Municipal Education Committee.



Undergraduate graduation project (thesis) is an important link in the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities, an important index to measure the teaching level and professional quality of talents in colleges and universities, and an important means to improve students' independent innovation, independent practice ability and level. Our School attaches great importance to the guidance of undergraduate graduation thesis, and the teachers are involved in the whole process of thesis topic selection, proposal, writing and defense. The School regards graduation thesis writing as an important part of undergraduate training, and integrates it with teaching links such as students' innovation and entrepreneurship training program and undergraduate Lihong Program, so as to continuously enhance undergraduate students' ability of scientific research and innovation. In addition, the School continues to strengthen the construction of specialty features, economics major has been successfully selected as the National Basic Discipline Top Student Training Plan 2.0 Base and transformed into Economics (Liyun experimental class).


In the future, the School will continue to improve the quality of papers, so that undergraduates can take the first step to explore academic research, stimulate academic interest and shape innovation ability.


Provided by Office of Undergraduate Affairs

Edited by Yang Haijia

Reviewed by Zhang Pingan