Notification of Young Talents’ Talk on Their Career (phase 2) On April 17th : Are you ready for the career challenges of the era of change?
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Young Talents’ Talk on Their Career (phase 2) On April 17th : Are you ready for the career challenges of the era of change?



Friday, April 3 20:30-22:00


Main Content


A sudden outbreak of the epidemic has made the employment situation more severe.  In fact, in this rapidly changing era, everyone's career will face such challenges and hardships.  In the face of change, we don't have a ready-made textbook, and the best way may be to learn experience and strength from example.


In the last lecture, young talents from consulting, investment, Internet and education shared their experiences with us.  In this second lecture, we have invited Zach Zhang from a top investment bank to share his career experience and experience with you, hoping to help you clear away the fog in your mind and make better plans and management for your future.




Zach Zhang


Guest profile: Stock trader of A Top investment bank, with 7 years of experience, dabbing in both A-shares, Hong Kong stocks and American stocks.


What is it like to make a living trading at a top investment bank?




Cai Zijun, a lecturer at BNUBS, and member of the Career Development and Management Branch of labor Economics Society.

Professor Cai’s research interests include career development, workplace initiative and proactive personality. At present, he has published 10 articles in international journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior and Journal of Vocational Behavior.


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