巴西University de Paulista夏/冬令营奖学金项目
发布时间:2014-10-27 浏览量:
Scholarship for Summer/Winter program in Brazil
1. 项目介绍Programme Introduction
We communicate to all interested candidates, that there is a great opportunity to participate in a scholarship program offered by IBS Americas in partnership with UNIP – Universidade Paulista, in São Paulo, Brazil. UNIP is a private university interested in receiving students from all over the world, conveniently located near Paulista Avenue, one of thesafestareas of the city, heart of the Latin America financial district and home of the international community in São Paulo.
People from all over the world attend the program, with diverse cultural orientations and understanding, providing a multicultural interaction. Previous groups were composed of students from more than 25 different countries.
This intensive 2 or 3-week program is designed for students and young professionals.
Programs are offered 3 times a year as follows:
· January: 2 weeks
· July or August: 3 week
2. 学生Eligibility
1. Regularly enrolled students of Beijing Normal University
2. Second year and up or graduatestudents are eligible for scholarships.
3. 申请Application Process
All interested candidates should contact Ms. Xie Jia xiejia@bnu.edu.cnnot later thanOctober, 24thof 2014 for the January program and you will be given an application form and all detailed information regarding the course.
4. 资助Scholarships
International students can apply for Scholarship covering 70% of tuition costs, being eligible second-year students and up or graduates, with no restriction on the field of study and no background of Portuguese Language required.
5. 课程Course Introduction
1. Strategy & Marketing for Emerging Countries: this course is taught in English and is focused on emerging countries context.
Contact classes
-Strategy & Competitiveness: basic concepts and BRICS countries context
-Strategic and Marketing aspects of conquering markets in low income countries
-Current Economic Scenario of Brazil and other emerging countries
-Industrial and Consumer Markets: key elements for understanding emerging countries
-Foreign Trade and Direct Investment
-Logistics and Structure
-Sustainable Development in emerging countries
-Survival Portuguese (optional)
-Guided visits to enterprises and organizations
-Guided visit to the Port of Santos (optional)
2. Survival Portuguese and Business Etiquette: the course aims at providing students with some basic communicative aspects of the Portuguese language in the business context (22 course-hours).