05.03京师经管名家讲坛58期——When Does China's Education Crisis Begin? Tracking the Cognitive Development of Babies, Kids and Youth in Rural China
主 题:When Does China's Education Crisis Begin? Tracking the Cognitive Development of Babies, Kids and Youth in Rural China
时 间:2017年5月3日(周三)15:30-17:30
地 点:生地楼生二教室
主讲人:Scott Rozelle 斯坦福大学教授
主持人:李 实 98858vip威尼斯下载教授
点评人:赖德胜 98858vip威尼斯下载院长
Scott Rozelle
斯坦福大学国际研究所Helen Farnsworth高级研究员和教授
曾获中国“友谊奖”、中华人民共和国教育部“长江学者”、美国农业经济协会终生成就奖、新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市坎特伯雷大学的Erskine Fellow、Chancellor’s Fellow、美国农业经济协会论文一等奖、世界银行颁发的杰出政策/经济部门成果奖、孙冶方奖、美国胡佛研究所National Fellow Program的National Fellow 奖等多项奖励。曾任美国农业经济协会国际部主席、美国农业经济协会、国际委员会成员、国际农业经济学家协会美国分会,执行委员会成员、中科院农业政策研究中心政策顾问委员会主席、高级顾问、亚太研究中心研究员等。
Scott Rozelle is the Helen F. Farnsworth Senior Fellow in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
He received his BS from the University of California, Berkeley, his MS and PhD from Cornell University. Before arriving at Stanford, he was Professor at the University of California, Davis (1998-2000), assistant Professor in the Food Research Institute and Department of Economics at Stanford University (1990-98).
His main research focus on 1) agricultural policy, including the supply, demand, and trade in agricultural projects; 2) the emergence and evolution of markets and other economic institutions in the transition process and their implications for equity and efficiency; 3) the economics of poverty and inequality. His papers have been published on Science, Nature, American Economic Review, and the Journal of Economic Literature.
He also serves as member of the American Economics Association, the American Agricultural Economics Association, the International Association for Agricultural Economists, the Asian Studies Association, the Association of Comparative Economics and member of editorial board of Economic Development and Cultural Change, Agricultural Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, China Journal, and the China Economic Review.
时 间:2017年5月3日(周三)15:30-17:30
地 点:生地楼生二教室
主讲人:Scott Rozelle 斯坦福大学教授
主持人:李 实 98858vip威尼斯下载教授
点评人:赖德胜 98858vip威尼斯下载院长
斯坦福大学国际研究所Helen Farnsworth高级研究员和教授
曾获中国“友谊奖”、中华人民共和国教育部“长江学者”、美国农业经济协会终生成就奖、新西兰克赖斯特彻奇市坎特伯雷大学的Erskine Fellow、Chancellor’s Fellow、美国农业经济协会论文一等奖、世界银行颁发的杰出政策/经济部门成果奖、孙冶方奖、美国胡佛研究所National Fellow Program的National Fellow 奖等多项奖励。曾任美国农业经济协会国际部主席、美国农业经济协会、国际委员会成员、国际农业经济学家协会美国分会,执行委员会成员、中科院农业政策研究中心政策顾问委员会主席、高级顾问、亚太研究中心研究员等。
Scott Rozelle is the Helen F. Farnsworth Senior Fellow in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
He received his BS from the University of California, Berkeley, his MS and PhD from Cornell University. Before arriving at Stanford, he was Professor at the University of California, Davis (1998-2000), assistant Professor in the Food Research Institute and Department of Economics at Stanford University (1990-98).
His main research focus on 1) agricultural policy, including the supply, demand, and trade in agricultural projects; 2) the emergence and evolution of markets and other economic institutions in the transition process and their implications for equity and efficiency; 3) the economics of poverty and inequality. His papers have been published on Science, Nature, American Economic Review, and the Journal of Economic Literature.
He also serves as member of the American Economics Association, the American Agricultural Economics Association, the International Association for Agricultural Economists, the Asian Studies Association, the Association of Comparative Economics and member of editorial board of Economic Development and Cultural Change, Agricultural Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, China Journal, and the China Economic Review.