98858vip威尼斯下载(BNU Business School)是中国师范类大学中成立最早的经管学院之一,并于2016年通过EQUIS国际认证,跻身全球前1%的精英商学院。依托98858vip威尼斯下载百余年的历史底蕴和文化积淀,在近40年的时间里,已发展成为中国经济学和工商管理学科的重要人才培养和科学研究基地。教育部最新学科评估排名显示,北师大经管学院理论经济学排名全国并列第五。作为全校最早开设全英文国际硕士学位项目的学院之一,在留学生培养的师资力量、学习资源、学生管理和服务等方面具有丰富的经验和较大优势。自2011年“世界经济与中国”全英文国际硕士项目开办以来,大大促进和提升了学院全英文课程建设水平以及留学生人才培养的质量。一直以来,学院的留学生培养立足国际人才市场需求,运用多元化教学手段,重视理论联系实践,采用课堂教学、独立学习、实践学习、案例讨论、学术沙龙等多种方式相结合的教学模式,培养出了很多既具备良好的经济学专业基础,又具有国际视野和了解中国社会与文化的高层次国际专业人才。
随着经济全球化不断深入,“一带一路”为世界各国合作发展搭建了新的平台,开创了全球经济开放发展的新格局。当今世界,资本、技术、信息,及人员跨国流动,在推动人类经济社会发展的同时,也带来了诸多问题和挑战,需要各国通力合作加以应对,其中更为迫切地需要具备新的发展理念以及通晓国际发展理论和实践知识的国际化人才。为顺应这一新的发展形势以及更好的参与国际教育竞争,实现国内与国外优质教育资源的有效对接,更大限度的发挥已有国际化办学和科研资源的作用,98858vip威尼斯下载启动“国际发展(International Development)”博士项目(全英文),着力锤炼特色、塑造品牌,大力推动和建设高层次留学生教育项目,进一步提升学院的国内外影响力。
1. 持有效外国普通护照的非中国籍公民;
2. 对华友好,品行端正,遵守中国政府法律和学校规章制度,尊重中国人民风俗习惯;
3. 报考博士学位研究生者应具有硕士学位或硕士同等学历;
4. 本项目是全英文授课,要求申请者熟练掌握英语,或以英语为第二语言,建议附相关证书证明英语水平;
5. 身体健康,且由当地公立医院出具健康证明;没有中国法律法规禁止进入中国的疾病;没有严重的慢性疾病,如高血压、心脑血管疾病和糖尿病;没有可能对公共卫生造成严重威胁的心理疾病或流行病;不能是在重大手术或急性疾病过程中未恢复的;没有严重残疾或怀孕。
博士学位论文要求在导师的指导下由本人独立完成,学位论文语言为英文,采用Times New Roman 12号字体,1.5倍行距,至少80000字。学位论文评审和答辩过程严格遵循《98858vip威尼斯下载学位授予工作细则》和学校其他要求,论文答辩由学院统一组织。
1. Introduction of BNUBS
As one of the earliest economic management schools established in China’s normal universities, BNU Business School (BNUBS) passed EQUIS international certification in 2016 and ranks among the top 1% of elite business schools in the world. Relying on the over 100 years’ history and culture of BNU, BNUBS has developed into an important personnel training and scientific research base in China’s economics and business management disciplines over the past 40 years. According to the latest discipline evaluation rankings of the Ministry of Education, the theoretical economics of BNUBS ranks the fifth among the same disciplines in China. As one of the earliest business schools in China offering a full-English international Master’s degree program, BNUBS has extensive experience and advantages in terms of faculty, learning resources, student management, and services in cultivating international students. The Full-English International Master Program of “World Economy and China” launched in 2011 has greatly promoted and improved BNUBS’s English-language curriculum and the quality of international students’ cultivation.
Based on the demand of international talent market, BNUBS’s international students’ cultivation has always applied diversified teaching methods, attached importance to the theory and practice, and adopted a teaching method combining classroom teaching, independent learning, practical learning, case discussions, and academic salons, cultivating many high-level international professionals with a good foundation in economics, international perspective and understanding of China’s society and culture.
2. Program Introduction
With the continuous deepening of economic globalization, the Belt and Road Initiative has built a new platform for the cooperation and development of all countries in the world, creating a new pattern of global economic development. In today’s world, while promoting the economic and social development of mankind, the flow of capital, technology, information, and people across borders has brought about many problems and challenges, posing a request for cooperation of all countries to cope with them. The new development concepts and international talents who understand international development theory and have practical knowledge are urgently needed. To comply with this new development, better participate in international education competition, effectively link domestic and foreign high-quality education resources and give greater play to the role of existing international school-running and scientific research resources, BNUBS launches the “International Development” Ph.D. program (full-English), highlighting features, moulding brands, vigorously promoting and building high-level international student education programs and further enhancing BNUBS’s domestic and international influence.
The program aims to cultivate versatile talents with a global vision, sense of innovation and deep economic literacy, who can engage in international exchanges and political and economic activities, adapt to the complex political, economic, social, policy, cultural and legal environment of the world, communicate across cultures and serve in multinational companies, government departments, international organizations and related fields.
3. Application Requirements
(1) Non-Chinese citizens who hold valid foreign passports;
(2)Being friendly with China, and well-behaved; obeying China’s government laws and BNUBS’s rules and regulations and respecting Chinese’ customs and habits;
(3) Ph.D. degree applicants should have a master’s degree or equivalent master’s degree;
(4) This program, taught in English, requires applicants to be proficient in English or to use English as a second language. It is recommended to attach relevant certificates to prove the English level;
(5)Applicants should be in good health and health certificates issued by local public hospitals should be provided; Applicants should not have: diseases prohibited by China’s laws and regulations; serious chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes; mental illness or epidemics which might seriously threaten public hygiene. Applicants should not be in the recovery phase of major surgery or acute illness, with severe disability or in pregnancy.
4. Program Duration and Tuition
Duration: 3 years
Tuition: RMB 98000 (3 years)
5. Courses and Language Requirements
All courses in this program are taught in English and the teaching model combines classroom teaching, independent learning, case discussion, social practice and academic salons. Applicants’ Chinese level is not required but those from non-English-speaking countries are required to submit officially accredited English proficiency certificates, such as TOFEL, IELTS and etc.
6. Dissertation and Dissertation Defense
Doctoral dissertations are required to be completed independently in English with the mentors’ guidance. (Typeface: Times New Roman, type size: 12 fonts, 1.5-fold line spacing, and at least 80,000 words). The dissertation deliberation and defense will be organized by BNUBS and seriously complied with BNU’s degree granting rules and instructions and requirements by other universities.
The degree program is based on the first-level discipline of theoretical economics. Students could obtain a diploma and a doctor’s degree in economics after: completing the course credits and compulsory courses required by the program within the stipulated period of time, obtaining the minimum credits required, passing the exams, completing the dissertation and passing the dissertation defense and the review by the academic degree assessment committee of the degree-granting unit.
Within the maximum length of school years prescribed by BNU, students can apply for a doctor’s degree for at most two times. Postponed doctoral students should pay tuition as required by BNU and when they apply for a degree for the second time, they must bear the costs of dissertation detection, review, and defense.
7. Application Procedure
I. Application Eligibility
1) Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens holding a foreign passport under 50 years old;
2) Applicants should be in good health and character and respect Chinese customs andhabits , willing to abide by both Chinese Law & Regulations and School Rule & Regulations;
3) Applicants for Doctoral Degrees should hold a qualification which is equivalent (or above) to a Master's Degree from a Chinese university;
4) Applicants who are non-native English speakers should provide a certificate of their English proficiency. For details, please refer to the related program information.
II. Application Period
*Suggested Application Time: December 1st –May 30th, time may varies upon ISO calendar every year.)
*For Scholarship Application, the period is subject to the scholarship application period.
(Please note the date here means the day that application materials are mailed or sent in person to BNU International Students Office.)
III. Application Materials
Applicants must first visit http://apply.bnu.edu.cn/ and complete the online application procedure, and complete the payment of the registration fee. Detailed information about how to apply could be found on the web page: https://zyxd.17gz.org/html/0/guide_en.htm .
Please submit the following application materials by May 30th directly to the International Students Office of Beijing Normal University (Room 9910 Jingshi Building, No. 19 Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing).
1) BNU Application Form for International Student (on completion of the online application form it must be downloaded and printed. Please stick the photo and ensure that the application form is signed by the applicant and his/her guarantor.
2) Recommendation letters from two associate professors or scholars with higher academic titles. There is no specified format for the recommendation letters and all letters must be signed by the referee.
3) Completed Personal Statement Form (Master's course transcripts, original or notarized documents (in Chinese or English), abstracts of master's thesis)
(4) The original English-language proof materials from non-native English applicants;
(5) The registration fee is 600 yuan, online payment or cash payment (Note: applicants who apply for scholarships must also pay the registration fee);
(6) One passport size photo (excluding the photo required for the application form, please write your name on the back of the photo and apply for the department);
(7) 2 copies of the passport, the passport must be a valid ordinary passport;
(8) Published academic papers, patents obtained or other research results (original or photocopy).
New graduates may not provide proof of graduation and degree, but must provide proof of graduation at the school. If admitted, it must be paid at the time of enrollment. If it is not available, it will be disqualified.
Pakistan applicants please refer to: "Notes" http://iso.bnu.edu.cn/cn/single_page_fragment?id="26
If you are interested in this PhD program or have any questions in your application, please find contact information below. We are looking forward to further conversations with you.
Tel: +86-10-58800307 (CHI/ENG)
Email: EGP@bnu.edu.cn
International Students’ Office
Office hours: Monday – Friday 8:00-11:30, 14:00-17:30
Address: Beijing Normal University, Room 9910 Jingshi Building, No. 19 Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing